Authenticity Has To Be Real In A Job Search

Be yourself… “fake it ‘til you make it” simply doesn’t fly in today’s economy. Employers are getting more sophisticated and able to sniff out smoke screens from lesser qualified applicants trying to puff themselves up to something that they aren’t. Focus on being the best you that you can be in the interview, but don’t… Read more »

Who’s Driving The Interview Bus?

So, who is exactly in control during the actual interview? Did you guess the employer? Wrong. You BOTH are in control. Most job applicants mentally hand over all the power in a job search to the prospective employer, being that they (the employer) has something that the candidate wants (the job). It’s easy to think… Read more »

Being Proactive Means Being Forearmed

When was the last time you interviewed? Has it been awhile? Or do your palms immediately turn sweaty even THINKING about going into an interview? Take some of the pain out of this process by proactively rehearsing your answers to those questions before going into the interview, and keep an eye to what your accomplishments… Read more »