Jobs costs can sink you. Seems like I have heard from several people lately seeking advice about what to do when a work situation has become intolerable. The boss is a tyrant, or an evil co-worker is constantly waiting behind a cubicle to back stab you, or even, the work load is so overwhelming that… Read more »
Job Searches are Like Boulder-Hopping
Job searches can be a lot like boulder-hopping. Case in point: Last week, my husband and I took off on a backpacking adventure along California’s Lost Coast. It was a great trip, and we covered 26.8 miles that encompassed some breathtaking scenery in rugged territory literally dozens of miles from the nearest house. We were… Read more »
Time Travel Career Advice: What I Would Tell My New Graduate Self
Time travel career advice would be an oh-so-hot hot commodity if it were remotely possible. If only we could turn back time (ala Cher), oh, the mistakes we could avoid, the smarter decisions we could make, and even, different career paths we might even find ourselves following. But it is what it is. I am… Read more »
Women and Compensation: Why We Need To Worry MORE
Women and the compensation they earn have a long way to go. Last week, at a career expo for nearly 6,000 high school students, I had the opportunity to do mock interviewing with some of the students. A long line of fidgeting kids waited outside the door while inside the interview room, nearly 100 human… Read more »