The Peter Principle. It’s a real thing. Don’t know what it is? Basically, it is the concept that people get promoted to the highest level of their own incompetence. In simple terms, you could be the top sales person who gets promoted to director of sales as a reward… because you are doing so awesome… Read more »
Never Undersell Yourself… Ever
Never undersell yourself. I know it is difficult sometimes because many job seekers are constantly having to shift their tactics to try and align their backgrounds as closely as possible to position openings. Oftentimes, they find that they might seem overqualified to the prospective employer, and therefore, for the lack of a better description, “dumb… Read more »
Over 50? Start Looking Over Your Shoulder
Over 50 years old? Please don’t shoot this messenger… because if you are in this age group, you need to seriously start taking stock of what the final years of your career will look like. There’s a reason you need to be concerned. Companies, unfortunately, oftentimes see more mature workers as a cost versus an… Read more »
New Job: How To Rock the First 30 Days
You got the new job and are on top of the world! There so much possibility. Everything is bright and shiny. This is everything you ever wanted. Awesome. Now it’s time to rock it like the rock star that you are. Some companies will provide an on-boarding process through an orientation or new employee training…. Read more »