Personal Brand vs. Company Brand

Personal brand definitions can be tough when you are operating within a corporate environment. But you CAN execute a personal brand right, even despite the lines sometimes being blurred between what is personal and what is corporate. Here’s an example of what I mean: Yesterday, I gave a presentation to a group of professionals where… Read more »

Biggest Secret About A New Job

Biggest secret about a new job? Well, part of it is that nobody is born an expert. Same goes with someone who is a new hire. You aren’t instantly productive. Why? Because it takes time to acquire the knowledge required to do it, and do it well. Each job has unique nuances, tasks, and needs…. Read more »

Being Present… Always

Being present is important for everything you do. Last night, I was participating on Twitter for the Monday evening #InternPro chat, and the discussion revolved around this topic:  “Don’t throw in the towel yet: “How Will You Make the Next 30 Days Matter?” by @CoachJennie. The reason for this chat conversation? A lot of people… Read more »

Applicant Tracking Systems Don’t Work

Applicant tracking systems don’t want you to apply. The people using them agree… on both sides of the equation. A recent post by blogger Liz Ryan detailed the horror of online job applications in a recent article. The actual people using this technology also decry about how they are broken, and go from one system… Read more »