My biggest fear: I’ll end up being an ancient dinosaur.
You know, the ones that never adapted.
We all know what happens.
They get left behind. They are considered irrelevant and too onerous to be useful.
LinkedIn recently published an article about the top 25 hottest member skill sets and how recruiters/employers can hire for them.
No big surprise here: Almost every single skill listed has a technology component.
On Twitter, recruiter Steve Levy took the social media airwaves to ask this question:

The answer is, invariably, YES.
As much as new tech might frighten us, and as much as we might not understand how to use it or how it works, embracing technology as the next language you need to learn is going to be critical for future jobs.
As an example, I never learned how to write HTML language. That means I had to find a trusted and reliable web designer who could take care of any revisions or trouble shoot issues taking place on my website.
Am I frustrated as a normal do-it-yourself-er? You bet.
But I am staring at my own technology weakness in the face and realizing that while I am in a good enough position to hire someone to take care of this need on my behalf, job seekers aren’t usually so lucky.
Fluency in technology is becoming a core (and assumed) skill set.
Not possessing any kind of technology language proficiency in this very tech-oriented world essentially throws job seekers back into the “dark ages.”
But I always say it’s never too late for an old dog to learn new tricks.
You just have to WANT to learn.
It’s always easy to say you don’t want to… and believe me, you won’t.
But if you go into learning technology with a willingness and patience to master the concepts and processes, you’ll succeed.
Technology is the next language you need to learn…
If you want to land your next job, it’s time to step up your game so you can compete.