Top 5 Barriers to Job or Contact Referrals

Why is it that some people seem to have “all the luck?” Here you’ve been, slogging away at a focused job search for weeks, months, or even years, yet certain contacts in your circles just seem to “pop” between jobs with nary a blink of the eye with little or no “downtime” in between. Say… Read more »

Don’t Be A LinkedIn “Ignoridiot!”

I just got back from a presentation where I asked audience members to raise their hands to show if they were LinkedIn… and as usual, several people simply sat that question out… and avoided eye contact with me. As a follow up, I then queried the group as to who had made their profiles robust… Read more »

Secret to 2012 Success: Commitment

If you aren’t already subscribed to thought guru Seth Godin’s blog, I would highly recommend you do so. His short, to-the-point, and thought-provoking posts are momentary day-stoppers because they make you pause… and think.  I cannot even imagine what is going on in his mind at any given moment with so many pearls of wisdom… Read more »

Tis the Season for Giving: Be a Job Search Santa!

Ho ho ho!  The holidays are upon us, and Christmas is just around the corner. But unfortunately, many people aren’t feeling so jolly this holiday time simply because they still haven’t found work, which can be incredibly depressing during this time of gift giving. If you find yourself in this situation, here’s a few tips that will help… Read more »