When Is The Right Time To Quit a Job?

We all know that song made famous by Johnny Paycheck, “Take this Job and Shove It,” and many of us have fantasized about marching into the tyrannical boss’ office and telling them in no uncertain terms that they can take a long walk off of a short pier. Common sense prevails, though, and most of… Read more »

Can a Prospective Employer Demand Access to an Applicant’s Facebook Account?

This post generously provided by Dee Rubanoff, an attorney at  Williams, Zografos & Peck in Lake Oswego, OR which represents employers. ———————————————————— Employers are reportedly engaging in “shoulder surfing” during job interviews, meaning that they require an applicant to access his or her Facebook account for viewing during a job interview.  The issue of whether this… Read more »

Why Should I Hire You?

All too often, when asked this question, clients and job seekers start squirming. Even CEOs, actually. So why is it that we have a difficult time answering this simple little question, especially when there is so much riding on the outcome of your answer? The problem goes pretty deep, actually. We are taught not to… Read more »