The other day, I was off on a bike ride around the city, pedaling away and minding my own business. It was a beautiful day and I was passing by some wetlands that I hadn’t been past before. All of a sudden, something hit my helmet with such force that I thought that I had… Read more »
How To Make Internships Translate to Potential Employers
Talk to any successful business person and ask them about how they got their career start, and you’ll more than likely get a wistful look in their eye as they recall an internship that made a significant impact on their lives. That’s all well and good, but what is the real trick to making sure… Read more »
Is There Any Such Thing As Being Too Good On The Job?
After the economic collapse, many companies stayed afloat with a core group of employees who were the “go-to” experts that they couldn’t live without, after all the other personnel had been let go. But you know what? These bosses found out that they could continue to “make do” with the reduced staffing levels and still… Read more »
Companies Lose Brand Momentum When Handling Employee Departures Poorly
The other night, a couple of girlfriends and I got together to have an after-work walk, with drinks following afterwards to chat about work and life in general. One of them recently just left a business to take a job at a different company and was filling us in on the details of her new… Read more »