I have a confession to make. Ever since LeBron James gave his notice to the Cleveland Cavaliers, in a blaze of self-important glory, I’ve had a stick in my craw. There was something about that whole episode and subsequent donning of the Miami Heat jersey that bothered me more and more. It had something to… Read more »
Not Everyone Is A Rock Star At Work. And That’s OK.
Career professionals are always advising job seekers that they need to always try to quantify their results and showcase their top achievements. But oftentimes, when I talk to clients, something that comes up in discussions is that they frequently don’t feel like they are a rock star that has super-stand out accomplishments. What I hear… Read more »
Annual Reviews: What To Do When Your Boss Isn’t Giving You One
In talking to many clients, it is becoming extremely clear that many employers are failing to provide any kind of annual performance evaluation to employees. This is a dangerous practice simply because it leaves how you are actually doing your job subject to different interpretations. From a business standpoint, this can be a liability because… Read more »
You Are What You Write: 10 Ways To Impress Everyone You Encounter
Job searches being what they are, you’re inevitably doing a lot of writing along the way. There are cover letters and résumés to write/tweak, emails to compose, and thank you notes to send out. During this process, however, many people get lazy. The sheer volume of what they are trying to do makes it very… Read more »