Something I hear a lot from job seekers recently is that they have never (ever) had to actually look for a job before. They sound completely shocked. And hurt, too. And I’ll actually say it: They sound like they’ve experienced a loss of entitlement. So what happened? The problem isn’t that they either left a job,… Read more »
Career Mojo: Who’s Got It; Who Doesn’t
Anyone who has been in a supervisory position or in a human resource role can relate to this: They usually know right away who is going to go far in their career… and who isn’t. I’ve seen a lot of this lately especially in younger workers (the fabled Gen Y) and can clearly identify those… Read more »
Performance Under Pressure… What Are YOU Really Made Of?
I just got back from speaking at a global educational conference – overall, the experience was incredible with amazing programs and powerful educational tracks. This was my 4th time attending as a presenter, yet I felt that I walked away from the conference having learned just as much as I had shared. However, there was… Read more »
Don’t Lie In Your Résumé… But Don’t Tell the Truth, Either
The other day, I was talking to a recruiting friend of mine who is especially known for his candor about talent acquisition issues, and we were comparing notes about our résumé frustrations. As a career industry professional, I advise clients to NEVER lie on a résumé. Yet many people abandon the truth and move into… Read more »