The REAL Reason So Many People Hate Networking

Aside from the nervousness that comes from having to talk to complete strangers, most people don’t realize the true reason why they loathe networking. It’s about not the early meeting times for many of these events. It’s also not about trying to be cheerful or overly perky. And it’s not the pressure of trying to… Read more »

Fitting Into A New Company

Just like breaking in a new car, there’s that “honeymoon” period after you start your first day that requires extra special care and attention. You can’t hit the gas too hard otherwise you risk spinning out of control and skidding out of the lines, even before you know where the lane markers are. Smart career managers realize… Read more »

Taking A New Job? Here Are Some Things To Think About

The truth is that while you are excited about the new job, you really don’t know what lies beyond the first day in terms of where you will go and what you will really be doing. The full scope of your work won’t truly be revealed until you’ve actually gotten some experience at the new company under… Read more »

Negotiating Salary To Win

There are only a few things that we do on occasion that can have deepest impacts on every facet of our lives. All involve negotiation. Are you buying a car? Are you buying a house? Are you wooing a potential partner or spouse? Chances are you’ve spent more time preparing for those big moments than you… Read more »